Saturday, February 11, 2006


early september

Maples and birches
give their final flashes of brilliance
before retreating.

Their tough skins
etch persevering fractal forms
against the gently-departing sunlight.

The scents of yellow, orange, and red
seep into the earth
and into the air.

My senses saturate
with this new autumn…
reviving the subconscious memories
of every other.

For me, this season,
(that so many equate with dying)
is a beginning.


A friend of mine makes New Year's resolutions on the Labour Day Weekend. She is a teacher at a ballet school (where I also work). So it makes sense that this is the "beginning" of the year for her.

September is a transition time. Summer winds down in August, and it starts getting colder here. Plants shed their leaves, and the grass stops growing. People retreat into their homes. We wear different clothes. Focuses change from outdoor activities and vacations to plans for the coming winter months. Bands start practicing again. Artists start working again. We begin anew.

sumi-e 2001



night nell