Saturday, February 11, 2006



aumeye said...

Hello earDRUM ~ Your response to my blog was so sweet and forthcoming. You seem like such a kind and genuine person. While it is easy to understand why a sensitive individual would resist allowing romantic love into their life again, I think you know it is a risk worth taking. I do agree, however, that it is never a good idea to give up your self, your essence, in the pursuit of love. When you do, it is someone else you are offering your partner, and someone else who is realizing the beauty of living, not fully you. Your apparent awareness will certainly support you in your efforts to (instead of getting "lost" in it) revel in love; embrace it; cherish it; feed it; but to always let it breathe on its own. Each of us is trying to navigate this life while carrying our (often weighty) baggage and (sometimes paralyzing) fears with us every step, so I understand your trepidation. I only hope that it does not continue to prevent you from enjoying all of life's gifts. Thank you for sharing, earDRUM, and do keep in touch, if you are so moved. Peace and Light ~ Aumeye ~ AND ~ Your work is lovely and impressive; I've enjoyed my visit.

earDRUM said...

Kind words, aumeye. Thank you very much. I hope to crawl out of my protective shell someday soon.

earDRUM said...

Maybe I have romanticized "home" by just the right amount? (Heh.)
Interesting comments, Shannon. I can see the similarity with Klimt's colours, now that you point it out. But it certainly wasn't a conscious attempt. I thought it looked kinda psychedelic.

aumeye said...

You're welcome, earDRUM. It is always heartening to learn another, particularly a man, is not homophobic. Even better if that person takes it further, and welcomes gay people into their fold, so to speak. You are an artist, and as such, seem to embody some of the qualities that often draw (pun unintentional) me to artists. Many of my personal associates and friends have been, and are, artists, of all kinds. I also want to say a BIG THANK YOU for your post regarding the whole vegetarian thing on the flapping mouths blog. It is a difficult topic for me, and your response, along with several others, allowed me to breathe a sigh of relief and even to feel a bit of joy. If you ever want to say hello via email, feel free to use the email link on my profile page. Peace and Light ~