Friday, March 17, 2006


This image represents the state of our world right now, from my rather limited perspective.
I created this image by overlaying a Persian design on a blurred image of a woman's face. I used the blurring effect to represent the current lack of focus on the feminine side of humanity. For me, women represent "beauty" and "civilized" life... mothering children... creating homes... creating a sense of "community" and civility. Females are the "yin" compliment to male "yang" forces. And a good society is a balanced one... not a fearful one. Fear is a state of weakness. And the solution to fear is love, not violence. Violence is an act of desperation and sign of a lack of mental resourcefulness. In other words, it is an act of the unintelligent.
I made the Persian design look like a wire fence. I like the strange juxtaposition of using an ancient beautiful design for such an ugly idea... a barrier to keep people out... or to keep people in. But I take some solace in the fact that my "wire fence" is an impossible one. It cannot support itself. And neither can a society that is unbalanced.

I originally created the Persian design as an AutoCAD hatch pattern, many years ago (certainly many years before the current invasion of Iraq). It took some challenging mathematical/programming work, but I only made it as a challenge to myself. So I was glad to be able to use it for something.

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