Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Jules said...

Interesting that you left her face photo quality... it makes me think she's feeling some disconnection between herself and her body, like an eating disorder or something.

I don't know if that was your intent, but I guess that's one of the cool things about art. Perceived meaning is a collaboration between the viewer and the artist, don't you think? A piece might mean something different to everyone who looks at it.

I like your work.

earDRUM said...

Thanks jules.
Yeah, I liked the disconnect between the treated look of her body and photo-quality look of the face. I like the quality of light on her face.
Funny though... it was done subconsciously, and backwards. I overlayed the photo quality face at the end of the process... which made the image more human when I was doing it.
I didn't start off with an intention. I was just experimenting when I created the image.
Interestingly, I discovered a subconscious "intention" in this image... after reading your note. It told me something about myself... something that I recently observed in another image that hangs on my living room wall. It is a personal issue, so I won't go into it. But I am fascinated at how it comes out in what I create. The subconscious mind is mysterious.

And yes, I like the way that everyone percieves images and art objects differently. To me, that collaboration between the artist, the art object and the viewer IS "Art" itself.
When people ask, "But is it Art?", I think they are missing the point. If it has been framed, and presented as Art, then we treat it as Art... and it is Art. The act of framing is an act of art.

Anyway, thanks for the kind words. Glad you like it.
And by the way, I love your blog... great articles! You write well. Very down-to-earth, and deep.